Hi, my name is

Victoria Fimmer

Sociable, multifunctional UX/UI Designer and copywriter

I devote all my free time to UX and UI design – I create the interface of apps and I am obsessed with it! If I find more free time, I write about UX and UI design and am also obsessed with writing. I know how to listen and hear customers and users. I have always been a person capable of finding a compromise in any conflict situation.

My Principles

Welcome to the “My Principles” section of my personal website. Join me on a journey where every sentence tells a story.


I write about what I know

I am convinced that it is impossible to write about what you do not understand, therefore I write about what I adore and can really help to understand complex and simple things.


Explain complex things in a simple word

I can explain complex things in simple language, otherwise, I don’t see the point in blog posts.


Looking for alternative solutions

I like to look for non-standard solutions both in design and writing (in life too, by the way).


Passion in every word

Passion and expression must be both in design and writing (in life too, by the way) 🙂


Looking for inspiration but searching for my own way

I am inspired by many designers, authors, and creatives, but I always try to find my own way and express my worldview to inspire someone else.


Being useful is a must

I try to write posts that will educate, and be useful… Otherwise, what’s the point?

Projects I have worked with


In this section the art of copywriting meets the science of measurable impact.


posts written


likes collected


comments received

My Biography

From early inspirations that ignited my passion for storytelling to the experiences that sharpened my craft

Since my childhood, I’ve been dreaming of being an actress, I even graduated from university and played in the theater, but then design burst into my life and I plunged into it headlong until I realized that I could be useful in one more way. Now I not only create the interface of applications but also write about it and I think I’m doing pretty well! And yes, I still dream of being an actress…

My Education

Check out my latest MasterBandles Basics of Copywriting in Web Design Certificate of Completion. It was cool and fun!


Have something to share, ask, or discuss? I’m excited to engage, exchange, and explore how we can bring your ideas to life.

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